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© First Baptist Church of Milford.

Launching Into the Deep
A worldview is the lens by which we interpret life events. As we are commanded to reach all ends of the world with the Gospel of Christ, it is important to understand that cultures foster vastly different worldviews. This variance shapes how people can perceive that good news. In this light, communicating the Gospel effectively begins with presenting it with these specific worldviews in mind. Anthropologists recognize that there are three main worldviews dominating societies—guilt-innocence, honor-shame, and fear-power. The region of Oceania is host to a diverse scope of these three worldvi...
Launching Into the Deep
The indigenous “wild men of Borneo” are called Dayaks. They are known by the river system on which each extended family community lives. Dayaks are animistic (spirit worshippers). The Da’an lived in the center of the island. My husband Jerry always had a heart to reach the most unreached. They were known at the time to be the most treacherous, deceptive, and fearful tribe in the western half of the island. Other tribes did not visit their villages. They would give a banana as a gift in which they had planted a broken needle point. They put a piece of broken lightbulb glass in Jerry’s rice. ...
Launching Into the Deep
Launching Into the Deep
Launching Into the Deep

Recent Articles

Africa '19
Rather than fearing a multiplicity of spirits, he can accept the grace of one Almighty Being.
Africa '19
So today, when he sees a barefoot little boy walking down the dusty dirt road, Ackim doesn’t see the poverty or the helplessness. He sees Hope, knowing the difference Christ made in one little boy’s life!
Africa '19
The Story of an Attempt to Take the Gospel to Southern Tunisia
Africa '19
This proved to be the key to their hearts … Individuals began to accept the message and to receive Christ as their personal Savior.

Recent Articles

529,000,000 Souls
NOTHING in ministry can be done without God’s power and so we set out to pray as a team each day asking God to give us His power.
529,000,000 Souls
“ I am so glad that we have the opportunity every day to share with our students the need to evangelize the world. “
529,000,000 Souls
A great need exists in many places in the United States for vibrant, fundamental churches to be established, especially among our inner cities.
529,000,000 Souls
The harvest, or the gathering of men together for the kingdom of God, is truly ripe in “America”.

Recent Articles

South America '16
The provision of medical care opens the door to preach the Gospel in villages where there is no church of any kind.
South America '16
While it is a good thing to provide compassionate care to those less fortunate, we must not forget that every single human being in the past, present, and future are all, most importantly, affected by the “disease” of sin.
South America '16
As we mirror the sacrificial lifestyle OF THE EARLY CHURCH, we understand that God receives glory WHEN HIS PEOPLE SACRIFICE.
South America '16
I could have allowed my fear to overwhelm and limit God’s moving, or I could allow God to take control and receive glory.

Recent Articles

Asia '18
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
Asia '18
Once a people group in total darkness, steeped in pagan a people group that has Light.
Asia '18
God wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. As we walk by faith, He gives us creative access and ideas to reach these nations with the gospel and to equip national preachers.
Asia '18
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Recent Articles

Launching Into the Deep
Someone crippled by fear and the unknown can have ultimate peace in the God who has dominion and power over all things—the natural catastrophes and the supernatural demons.
Launching Into the Deep
We dwelt among them that we might learn their language and ways to communicate the Gospel as well as learn to survive in isolation.
Launching Into the Deep
The seasons are opposite of those in the United States. Winter begins in June and summer begins in December!
Launching Into the Deep
If missionaries would be willing to embrace the Indonesian view of hospitality, it could open a door to evangelizing the Muslims.

Recent Articles

Stories of Faitfulness
The idea of churches supporting missionaries by faith was a radical concept at the time.
Stories of Faitfulness
About halfway home, she noticed a dust-covered booklet lying in the gutter of the street.
Stories of Faitfulness
He has a plan for our lives that will supersede all that we could ever imagine!
Stories of Faitfulness
but it was more than a revival—it was an explosion of evangelism.

Recent Articles

Reaching the Unreached
God has always used people to accomplish His work. The task of translating the Bible will always fall upon godly men and women.
Reaching the Unreached
The converted Auca declared it was something else that made the change—the Creator’s “markings.”
Reaching the Unreached
It is my conviction that no child of God is exempt from witnessing to people concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reaching the Unreached
20% of the world's population has zero access to Scripture in their first-language.