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South America Archive

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
The Amazon rainforest holds the largest concentration of uncontacted people anywhere on earth! Of the estimated 100 uncontacted tribes in the world, no less than 77 reside in the Amazon; tribes isolated from society without any chance to ever hear the Good News of Christ. Romans 15:20 states, “Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man’s foundation:”

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
When we think about missions, we often think of someone giving up everything they have, going on deputation, and leaving this country for another country that, more than likely, has less amenities and comfort. However, there are many ways that we can accomplish the Great Commission and access the field. One non-traditional way that is not routinely used, especially with the goal of evangelism, is medical missions.

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
Over the years, the ministry of Bearing Precious Seed (BPS) has had the opportunity to be involved with Scripture distribution at many worldwide events. These events have included the last two World Cups (one in South Africa and one in Brazil) as well as the last 11 Olympic Games. In the last 20 years, the Lord has allowed BPS to partner with other ministries to distribute over 3,000,000 portions of Scripture. This Scripture was printed in 35 different languages. The first open door was during the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia. These Olympic Games provided us with our first glimpse...

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
Shared thoughts from an intern who spent 10 months with Joel and Brooke Daku, missionaries to I-Kiribati “Onimakina Te Atua”! This is the I-Kiribati phrase for “have faith in God”. This phrase now rings true on an island in the middle of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. This phrase now means something in the lives of people who had never before heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Prior to the arrival of the Daku missionary family in 2012, the I-Kiribati people did not know God; they had no understanding of “Onimakina Te Atua” or of the grace that is extended to the unbeliever upon exhibiting su...

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
We have all taken photographs that are blurry and out of focus. If you are like me, this might happen quite often. I find myself adjusting and refocusing the lens so that the image I am attempting to capture becomes clear. Sometimes I have to take multiple photographs to get a clear representation of the picture or image I am trying to capture.

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
What is deputation? Deputation can be defined in many ways. It can be defined by thousands and thousands of seemingly endless miles. Personally, we have only traveled about 36,000 miles through the first 17 months of our deputation, but I know some missionaries who regularly drive close to 5,000 miles a month! Why so many miles? Because we will go wherever God allows us to go just for an opportunity to tell one more church about the great need for the Gospel in Chile. We will sleep in a different bed each night and meet many people who will soon become mere faces in our memories; just so we...

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
There was a confused gathering in a flat, bushy area just north of the isolated Andean village of Postrervalle, Bolivia. Suddenly a young man, with a notable gold tooth, energetically spoke out. The people listened to him and the confused mob began working together in a somewhat orderly manner. The situation was that the village nun (town boss) was sick and the Air Force was sending a plane to evacuate her. The people quickly prepared to provide an adequate landing site. A young missionary, who could barely speak Spanish, was present and working alongside the people. He was impressed by wha...

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
One of the Bible passages that I memorized as a child was Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” This passage teaches us that although we may not always understand God’s directing in our life, we can (and should) always trust His directing. When I was 13 years old, God began working in my heart about going to Indonesia as a missionary; when I was 15 years old, I surrendered to that call. At that time, I did not know why God wanted me, personally, to be a missionary; ...

Sep 18, 2016
South America '16
A wise sales manager once told me to scan the office of a potential customer to determine their interests. Oftentimes surroundings reflect what the customer spends time doing; their passion; what they love. You might see a twelve point buck or a six pound largemouth bass mounted on their office wall. Perhaps it is a photo of the family or grandchildren that is conspicuously and prominently located on the desk. Get the customer talking about what they love and they will continue talking about that subject. After going on and on about their passion, they then feel obligated to hear your sales...