Launching Into the Deep
A worldview is the lens by which we interpret life events. As we are commanded to reach all ends of the world with the Gospel of Christ, it is important to understand that cultures foster vastly different worldviews. This variance shapes how people can perceive that good news. In this light, communicating the Gospel effectively begins with presenting it with these specific worldviews in mind. Anthropologists recognize that there are three main worldviews dominating societies—guilt-innocence, honor-shame, and fear-power. The region of Oceania is host to a diverse scope of these three worldvi...

Launching Into the Deep
Longhouse Living
The indigenous “wild men of Borneo” are called Dayaks. They are known by the river system on which each extended family community lives. Dayaks are animistic (spirit worshippers). The Da’an lived in the center of the island. My husband Jerry always had a heart to reach the most unreached. They we...
Launching Into the Deep
Australia: The Land Down Under
Australia’s official name is the Commonwealth of Australia, but because of its extreme location in the Southern Hemisphere, it is nicknamed the Land Down Under.
The capital is Canberra, but Sydney is the largest city and also home to the world-famous Sydney Opera House. The highest recorded temperature is 123.3 degrees on January 2, 1960. Because Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are opposite of those in the United States. Winter begins in June and summer begins in December!
Launching Into the Deep
Islam and Hospitality
Hospitality in the United States is generally based on what is polite or expected, and on the idea that in our culture we must be accepted and liked. If you were having a guest over to your home, you would make certain your house was spotless. You would put out your best dishes and napkins and serve nice food. The guests would be expected at a certain time, and if they are not there at that time, you might be offended. We tend to judge other cultures by our own, which is a mistake. It is good to understand how hospitality is viewed in other places.
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Launching Into the Deep
Longhouse Living
Launching Into the Deep
Oceania's Three Worldviews
Launching Into the Deep
Australia: The Land Down Under
Launching Into the Deep
Islam and Hospitality
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Australia and the Islands of Oceania