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© First Baptist Church of Milford.

Europe Archive

Sep 13, 2021
Stories of Faitfulness
It was 1971. First Baptist Church of Milford was a little more than a decade old. At the time, no one knew how God would use this young church for the cause of missions; but God had led Pastor Charles Keen to hold the first-ever faith promise missions conference at First Baptist. The idea of churches supporting missionaries by faith was a radical concept at the time. However, by faith, the church responded incredibly.

Sep 13, 2021
Stories of Faitfulness
Just how important is it to sow the seed? “Is the seed yet in the barn?” (Haggai 2:19) As we distribute Scriptures during our campaigns, it does not take long to discover that not everyone wants one. Sometimes a person will take a John/Romans, and once they see what it is, they may set it down on a park bench or window sill as they walk. They may even just discard it on the sidewalk or street. The following is a story of one such discarded John/Romans that took place in the country of Lithuania, and how it affected one who found it. We will call her ‘Janina.’

Sep 13, 2021
Stories of Faitfulness
One of the most inspiring stories of faithfulness is a story many have never heard. This account demonstrates true and whole faith in God. It reveals the character of this individual who followed through with what she said she would do. And it displays the compliance to do whatever God called her to do, as well as the calling this person could rely on when times were difficult. All three of these traits are crucial if a Christian wants to see God use their life to do the incredible. This account motivates me and challenges me to be the best I can be for Christ. It encourages me that my life...

Sep 13, 2021
Stories of Faitfulness
Wales is a beautiful country made of green hills, gorgeous coastlines, and a vast landscape rivaling any country in the world. Despite its physical appeal, there is spiritual darkness resting over the land, especially in south Wales, which has resulted in years of governmental reliance, distrust of outsiders, and an overall indifference toward religion as a whole. Sadly, the despondent nature present in our society began long before people gave way to their lustful desires. For nearly one hundred years, religious leaders have misrepresented Biblical doctrine, serving as ‘church’ leaders wit...

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages
As we see the world around us falling apart in so many ways, many wonder why it is happening. Why has it come to this level of deterioration? Why does it seem like so much hopelessness is around us? Is there any hope for the future?

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages
For 1000 years, Europe has been the last bastion of Christendom. The last 250 years have been years of worldwide advance for the gospel. But today there is a steady decline in faith. Europe has watched secularism and religious social policies erode the faith of their people. No longer are the days of John Calvin with a line-up of missionary candidates knocking on his door and seeking his advice on where they can serve the Lord.

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages
One of the exciting characteristics of the Great Commission is the fact that it is a command for all Christians to share the gospel with others whether you are young or old, rich or poor, newly saved or a senior saint. One of the greatest times to get involved in missions trips is during your single adult years. Here are a few short testimonies from several of our singles who have gone on missions trips recently.

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages
Missionary - Walter Stevens Question: I’m sure there are many that will read this article that don’t know you well, so can you give us some background information on you and your family, and how God led you to the place where you serve today? Don’t forget to give us the names and ages of all the children. Reply: Dolly and I were raised in a traditional Gypsy family in the U.S. All of our great-grandparents emigrated to the U.S. from various countries in Europe. Our home was bi-lingual. Dolly and I were married within our culture, December 9, 1971. Our marriage was prearranged by our paren...

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages
Looking at Europe, we can easily see such spiritual darkness. We see the effects of sin on culture and society. We see the product of wasted lives and hopeless dreams. We see what happens when no direction or purpose is given. However, it was not always that way in Europe. Europe was once the home of great spiritual revival. Europe was once home to great Biblical study. Churches all over Europe once preached the Gospel of Christ. The truth was proclaimed! The Message was told! Yet all we see now is that spiritual darkness has captured a continent and affected the world.