Missions is for Everyone

One of the exciting characteristics of the Great Commission is the fact that it is a command for all Christians to share the gospel with others whether you are young or old, rich or poor, newly saved or a senior saint.
One of the greatest times to get involved in missions trips is during your single adult years. Here are a few short testimonies from several of our singles who have gone on missions trips recently.
You too can experience the joy of going on a short or long term missions trip. Please talk to Pastor or someone on the pastoral staff if you are interested in going on a missions trip.
In the past several years, I have been blessed to travel to several different countries. My first missions trip was with my church where I traveled to Lima, Peru. It was there that I saw the great need for foreign missions. The following summer, I traveled with Pensacola Christian College to Sao Paulo, Brazil where I spent several weeks teaching in a Christian school, working in children and teen ministries, and assisting the missionary in many other aspects of the ministry. It was on this trip that I surrendered my life to the Lord. Just recently, I returned from the island of Roatan, Honduras. While there, I was able to teach in a bilingual Christian school, minister to teenage girls, and visit many people on the island. Although Roatan is a tropical island with great natural beauty, it is a place scarred by sin and filled with vast economic and spiritual poverty. The need for missionaries on this island is extremely great. I am thankful for the opportunities I have had as a young adult to serve God on the foreign field and I am looking forward to what God has planned for my future. “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)
- Elizabeth Baker
In the summer of 2011, I had the opportunity to go with a team to participate in a medical missions trip to Haiti. God provided five thousand dollars worth of medicine that we were able to take to Haiti. Over 500 people were treated for sickness, and more than 100 came to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Friendships were made, hope was given, and hearts were touched in a land where the touch of death, destruction, and sadness could plainly be seen everywhere. God is building churches in Haiti. Pray for the Christians in Haiti that they will grow and take on a burden for reaching their own for Christ!
- Adam Ellington
Experiencing the ministry through missions trips has changed my life! All throughout my childhood, I was able to take missions trips to Mexico with my grandparents; however, I did not have an opportunity to travel internationally until the summer of 2005. Since that summer, I have been able to visit eight countries and participate in short term missions trips. God used each trip differently in my life, but overall, I have learned that missions work (short term or long term) is a necessity. I could write paragraphs about how God took care of specific needs; however, the greatest thing that I have discovered while traveling is that the teenagers, adults, and children in Belgium, France, China and the other five countries I visited are all loved by God equally, and it is my responsibility to share His love with them. Don’t ever think that God will not use you on a missions trip! Find a place to get involved. You will not regret it!