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© First Baptist Church of Milford.

North America Archive

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
As we approached the start of another summer missions trip season, we were excited to start a little differently than in years past. This year, we had the privilege of hosting the 100 Men Retreat as the group from First Baptist Church of Milford came during the first week of June. The purpose of this trip was to have a time of spiritual refreshment and to get several projects done on the property. While that was the plan, it was evident by the end of the trip that God did much more.

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
I have been blessed to grow up here at First Baptist Church of Milford and Milford Christian Academy. My family came to this church in 1977. I started school at Milford Christian in 1978 when I was in the first grade. As I continued in elementary, I began noticing certain students that were only in my class about every four years. I learned that these students were missionary children home on furlough. During my fifth and sixth grade years, I had a teacher by the name of Dr. Prinzing. Dr. Prinzing brought the philosophy of world-wide missions with him every day in the classroom. As I look b...

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
There are three kinds of lost people in the world. First, there are people who do not have a Bible in their own language (e.g. the Sarikolu Tajik people of West China). Second, there are people who do not have access to the Word of God in their language (e.g. Cuba). Last, there are people in the world who have access to the Word of God, but they disregard its influence in their lives (e.g. USA). Reaching all of these people is every Christian’s responsibility. At His ascension, Jesus outlined our responsibility to reach “BOTH in Jerusalem… Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost.” (A...

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
The thought of the continent of North America as a field ripe for harvest is likely an acceptable picture for most Christians. If we were honest, I suspect the thought of “America” as a mission field would not be a picture in such clear focus.

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
Can you give us some background information on you and your family, and how God led you to the place where you serve today? ADAM: I grew up in the ministry of Bearing Precious Seed in El Paso, Texas. After graduating from Bible college, I married Aleassa and we continued to work with BPS for three years, during which time our two oldest children, Lily and Jackson were born. We then moved to Milford, OH, and served at First Baptist Church for almost 6 years. Also in this period, our two youngest children, Marcus, (Max) and Tanner were born. During our time in Milford, God began to move in m...

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
Our missionary journey began 25 years ago in Western Canada. After six years and one church-plant, the Lord redirected our ministry to Cuba, a Restricted Access Country (a country whose government-sanctioned policy prohibits open evangelism and the distribution of Bibles and other Christian literature). Canada had become our home, as well as our classroom. We said farewell to that wonderful Commonwealth nation, taking with us dear friendships and Canadian citizenship, both of which we value greatly.

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
What impact has Master Clubs had on North America? Although there is no way to answer that question this side of Heaven, it may interest you to know what Master Clubs is currently doing to make an impact on North America. During the 2013-2014 school year, Master Clubs was used in 587 churches across the United States, Canada, Guam, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines. Our curriculum is designed for children who are three years-old through sixth grade. Our motto is, “Training Kids to Serve The Master.”

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
Can you give us some background information on you and your family, and how God led you to the place where you serve today? FRANCISCO: We are the Penners, Missionary Family to Canada. My wife and I met at Bible camp in Letts, Iowa in 2003. One year later we were married. God called me to the Gospel Ministry while in Bible College in Manitoba, Canada. I served as Associate Pastor in a small church in Northern Ontario, and served as Associate and Youth Pastor in Burlington, Iowa. God called and burdened us to go to Leamington, Ontario, Canada to plant the Heritage Baptist Church in September...

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
Itza lives at Hogar de Amor Children’s Home in Honduras. She is cared for by a young lady in a big house called the Clinic. When she wakes up in the morning, she climbs out of the bed she shares with one or two other orphan girls. She walks across the tile floor and picks some clean clothes out of a giant pile which belongs to everybody. She might walk to the barn with a friend and help carry back a heavy bucket of fresh milk. For breakfast, she usually eats a bowl of rice and milk. Sometimes they have pancakes, and she will have a half of a pancake. If there’s enough, she may have seconds....