The Voice of a Missionary: Interview with Francisco & Beth Penner

Can you give us some background information on you and your family, and how God led you to the place where you serve today?
FRANCISCO: We are the Penners, Missionary Family to Canada. My wife and I met at Bible camp in Letts, Iowa in 2003. One year later we were married. God called me to the Gospel Ministry while in Bible College in Manitoba, Canada. I served as Associate Pastor in a small church in Northern Ontario, and served as Associate and Youth Pastor in Burlington, Iowa. God called and burdened us to go to Leamington, Ontario, Canada to plant the Heritage Baptist Church in September of 2012. Our Family of Five: Francisco, Beth, Josie (8), Charity (5), and Elisha (6mn).
How well have you adjusted to the culture? What are some cultural differences you expect to encounter when you get to the field?
FRANCISCO: We have adjusted well to the culture in Canada partially due to having lived in Canada previously. There are several differences in the culture; Canadians are generally more reserved, and most people we reach with the Gospel of Jesus Christ have never heard of eternal security because until now they have never heard it preached. Most have never heard of independent Baptist churches either.
What new challenges have you experienced that you didn’t experience before?
FRANCISCO: Starting a church is hard work and has many challenges. Keeping a balance with Family and Ministry can be tough at times. One of the challenges is to invest much time and resources into individuals and families and then have them turn back and forsake biblical principal.
What is the most influential religion in the area you are working, and what unique challenge does that present?
FRANCISCO: The most influential religions here would be Catholic and Mennonite. These are very similar in some ways. Many people fear going against the traditions of man. Encouraging people to do God’s will is not as easy when in their mind they go back to the tradition of their religion. The traditions the people face are in direct opposition to God’s Word.
How will you go about evangelizing the people you are trying to reach?
FRANCISCO: We are reaching out door to door giving the community John and Romans and evangelizing door to door. We also do evangelistic tent meetings in the summer time. We seem to draw people out to the preaching services more so in this event than any other! We praise the Lord for the opportunity to win people to the Lord in coffee shops. Canadians are coffee drinkers and so it is easy to invite people for coffee and share the gospel with them while getting to know them.
What methods will you use to train and disciple the new converts?
FRANCISCO: The end of Matthew chapter 28 gives us three mandates: teach all nations (Teach salvation), baptize (biblically after salvation), and teach others to observe (following Christ according to His Word); this third is discipleship. We use the ABCs of Christian growth in a series; we also have people over to our house to disciple and teach them the Word of God and allow them to ask questions and then answer them biblically. Often we disciple new converts in coffee shops as well.
What are some of the goals you have set for yourself and the ministry?
FRANCISCO: Our goals are the following: for us to personally grow in the Lord; to constantly improve on being effective in ministry; to do all we can to reach our city, community, province and world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have distributed John and Romans to every home in Leamington and some of the country side. We are currently trying to reach a couple neighboring cities that have no independent Baptist churches currently.
What advice would you offer a missionary preparing to serve on the field?
FRANCISCO: I would say to have a close walk with God and be sensitive to His leading. Be aware of the spiritual battle you are in and allow God to work. Be faithful to Him and do not fear the people. God will lead you and help you. Do your part and be faithful to our Lord.
How can your home church encourage you and other missionaries on the field?
FRANCISCO: Our home church can encourage us by praying for us. Prayer is the biggest help for missionaries on the field. Letters of encouragement from our church are very nice.
How are you adjusting to the culture?
BETH: I have adjusted well to the culture; Canada is very similar to that of America. But there is always things one must adjust to.
Do you involve yourself in the ministry, or is your focus on taking care of the home and the children?
BETH: Balance is the key to helping my husband to fulfill his calling. I play the piano, prepare special music, clean the church, counsel the ladies, and go soulwinning with my husband and children. On the other hand taking care of the home and children is very important and must be a priority. I homeschool our girls and take time to talk to the ladies in the church and try to help where I can.
What advice would you offer the wife of a missionary preparing to serve on the field?
BETH: Preparing for the field may include two or more years on deputation. During this time you will meet many servants of the Lord. Take the time to ask ladies for ideas and advice because they are already in the work and have much wisdom we can glean from. Keep a record of all the churches you visit and write down the things you learned from the Pastor of the church, the Pastor’s wife and other notes that will remind you of God’s blessings later on. God will use this time on deputation to prepare you for the field He has called you to.
Questions for both
What are the greatest prayer needs you have for yourselves and the ministry?
Please pray for us to be loyal to our Saviour, to keep our eyes on Jesus, and to encourage one another in the battle. Please pray for souls to be saved and grow in the Lord.
The greatest needs for our family personally are: funds for passports and visas; fuel; funds to build our house and set up once we arrive.
What would you like to say to your home church, and your other supporting churches, that perhaps we didn’t cover in this interview?
Thank you to all of you who pray for us; thank you for your sacrificial giving. We appreciate you very much, and we could not be as effective without you. God bless you. and lets keep on for Jesus until we see Him face to face. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.”