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Impact? What Impact has Master Clubs had on North America

“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might . . .” ECCLESIASTES 9:10
 |  Kerby Richmon  |  North America

What impact has Master Clubs had on North America? Although there is no way to answer that question this side of Heaven, it may interest you to know what Master Clubs is currently doing to make an impact on North America. During the 2013-2014 school year, Master Clubs was used in 587 churches across the United States, Canada, Guam, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines. Our curriculum is designed for children who are three years-old through sixth grade. Our motto is, “Training Kids to Serve The Master.”

The word “training” distinguishes us from so many other children’s programs that are designed for “teaching.” Many do not understand the difference in these two words. Teaching usually involves one teacher with as many as 20-25 students. The students are “supposed” to sit there while the teacher teaches. In most curriculum, like Sunday School, the teacher finishes the lesson and the students are dismissed without any accountability concerning what was taught. The next week they move on to another lesson as if the previous week never even happened. However, Master Clubs is a training ministry. What’s the difference? Each week builds on the previous week. From the time a child is three years old, children are taught Bible doctrine, Bible principles, and Christian character; these are taught in “projects” and badges are usually awarded upon completion of five to six various projects.

“Training” is typically interactive. As an Airman in the United States Air Force in the 1980’s, I volunteered as a CPR instructor. I would “teach” a three to four hour course to people who needed CPR certification, but no certifications were signed until each student was “trained” using a mannequin to prove their ability to administer CPR without breaking a rib or over inflating a lung. Likewise, in Master Clubs, we do not just teach a lesson and assume that a child understood it. We ask them questions one on one and give them opportunities to prove what they have learned.

For example, fourth graders are trained to give their testimony. After we teach them what needs to be included in their testimony, we ask them to write it out. We hear testimonies every year of Clubbers who realized as they were trying to write their testimony, that they really did not have a salvation testimony. The thought process required to write it out brought more accountability than many had ever had. It is easy to say, “I am a Christian,” but writing their testimony requires more thought and understanding. After Clubbers write out their testimony, the next step in their training requires them to share their testimony with their parents or a Club leader. The final step before earning the Testimony badge is to publically share their testimony with their Master Club class. Why do we encourage this? We are training them to witness to others using their salvation testimony.

Another opportunity for training is our Spring Regional Competitions. In 2015, we will have nine competitions in Texas, Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, West Virginia, Maryland, and Michigan. Last year, 1,066 Clubbers participated which gave them opportunities such as: playing Bible games, singing, presenting a puppet skit, teaching a Bible lesson, studying the life of a missionary, or preaching a sermon. Some parents and leaders question if it is right to have young children competing in such events as preaching and Bible story telling, but we see these events as opportunities for training. We see every competitor as a potential Sunday school teacher, pastor, or missionary. Preparation for Regionals requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. These are character traits that God needs in His labor force. Ecclesiastes 9:10 teaches us, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might . . .” Yet, when all the work of preparation is done, students will find themselves enjoying the competition and the fellowship.

So, back to our initial question, “What is the impact of Master Clubs in North America?” There is no gauge that we can use to measure that impact; however, we do know that many of our past Clubbers are serving in churches and mission fields around the world. Please pray with us that our vision will become reality which will impact and influence future generations as we continue “Training Kids to Serve The Master.”