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© First Baptist Church of Milford.

North America Archive

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
My first experience with a new church came when I was a 16-year-old high school student. A young lady—now my wife—had invited me to a youth activity at a nearby church. I later discovered that the church had been planted only a few years earlier and had just moved into their first building.

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
It is not uncommon, especially after a missions conference, to hear a young child talk of being a missionary and going to a place like Africa or China to serve God. But more often than not, when that child gets older, that kind of talk begins to fade away. I’m afraid that many times children who had a desire and even a calling from God to be a missionary forsake that idea as they become a teenager. It isn’t something that is immediate upon a child turning thirteen, but often as that teen gets older, there are many excuses that enter his life to deter him from serving God on the mission fiel...

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
Faith Promise giving was years ago looked at and presented as man asking God to give to him, and then he would give back to God. This puts God as the giver and the recipient. If God gives it, then I will give it as my faith promise. Though there are examples of such requests in the Bible, such as Hannah’s request of a man child in which she gave back to God what God gave her, this puts God as the one responsible for my giving and not me giving by faith.

Aug 18, 2014
529,000,000 Souls
Since the beginning of Bearing Precious Seed 136,387,289 scriptures have been produced. Think about the potential souls that have been reached through that number. It is estimated that seven people read each copy. If that is true it is possible that 954,711,023 people have read scripture printed at Bearing Precious Seed. The reason that this is possible is the teamwork that has gone on through the years. We have men that work in the shop, missionaries that have traveled through the years raising funds, and faithful volunteers that come to the shop each day. We have churches that support the...