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© First Baptist Church of Milford.

Sep 15, 2013
Australia and the Islands of Oceania

What the Missions Conference Means to Me

Growing up at First Baptist Church of Milford and Milford Christian Academy was quite a privilege. It seemed as though there was always something going on in which to be involved. For me, times and seasons were usually gauged by what sporting event was going on at the time. However around February, everything, including youth activities, was put on hold, at least for a week. All sports games were canceled or rescheduled and homework was minimized. Nothing was to interfere with the highlight of the year, our annual Missions Conference. Students spent many class periods converting our gymnasi...

Sep 15, 2013
Australia and the Islands of Oceania

Bearing Precious Seed El Paso

In Mark 1:17, Jesus says to His new disciples, “Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” With that statement, Christ shared His desire to train disciples to fulfill His heartbeat of world evangelism. These disciples needed to spend their time in training so that they could effectively achieve all that Christ had called them to. It is with that Scripture in mind that the ministry of Bearing Precious Seed in El Paso, Texas strives to achieve its vision--to train Biblical, mission-minded servants for all levels of ministry. Christ desires that all Christians become fish...

Sep 15, 2013
Australia and the Islands of Oceania

Who Are Dr. Wayne & Suzanne Sehmish

My name is Wayne Sehmish. In the past, I worked with Bro. Hershel Case as assistant pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Brisbane, Australia, and later became pastor there. I married my wife, Suzanne, in 1988. We have three children: Sarah, age twenty-four; Justin, age twenty-two; and Curtis, age thirteen. Justin and his wife are expecting their first child in January. In 1993, I became senior pastor of our sending church, Good Shepherd Baptist, until the Lord called us to Thailand in 2007.

Sep 15, 2013
Australia and the Islands of Oceania

The Islands of Oceania

Oceania is not a continent but a vast collection of islands shared by fourteen countries. There are differences of opinion as to the boundaries of this particular area of the world, but for the most part, it is south of the equator in the central and southern Pacific between the two Americas and Asia. Oceania is divided into three regions: Melanesia (“black islands”), Micronesia (“small islands”), and Polynesia (“many islands”). Australia, the only islandcontinent, is the largest island in land mass. Papua New Guinea, the world’s second-largest island, is the most populated with six million...

Sep 15, 2013
Australia and the Islands of Oceania

I'm Only a Kid, Does God Want Me to be a Missionary?

In order to answer that question, we should first ask ourselves this question: “What is a missionary?” If the definition is “a Christian who tells an unbeliever about Jesus,” then this article could be the shortest in this magazine because the answer to the original question is so simple and direct: “Yes!” Jesus commanded us in Mark 16:15 to “go . . . into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” That statement was made and then recorded in Scripture for each of us, regardless of our age or where we live. We can be missionaries today in our schools, our neighborhoods, our fa...

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages

Hope For Europe

As we see the world around us falling apart in so many ways, many wonder why it is happening. Why has it come to this level of deterioration? Why does it seem like so much hopelessness is around us? Is there any hope for the future?

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages

Islam in Europe

For 1000 years, Europe has been the last bastion of Christendom. The last 250 years have been years of worldwide advance for the gospel. But today there is a steady decline in faith. Europe has watched secularism and religious social policies erode the faith of their people. No longer are the days of John Calvin with a line-up of missionary candidates knocking on his door and seeking his advice on where they can serve the Lord.

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages

Missions is for Everyone

One of the exciting characteristics of the Great Commission is the fact that it is a command for all Christians to share the gospel with others whether you are young or old, rich or poor, newly saved or a senior saint. One of the greatest times to get involved in missions trips is during your single adult years. Here are a few short testimonies from several of our singles who have gone on missions trips recently.

Aug 22, 2012
Hopeless Europe; Hope Filled Messages

Interview with one of our Missionaries: Stevens

Missionary - Walter Stevens Question: I’m sure there are many that will read this article that don’t know you well, so can you give us some background information on you and your family, and how God led you to the place where you serve today? Don’t forget to give us the names and ages of all the children. Reply: Dolly and I were raised in a traditional Gypsy family in the U.S. All of our great-grandparents emigrated to the U.S. from various countries in Europe. Our home was bi-lingual. Dolly and I were married within our culture, December 9, 1971. Our marriage was prearranged by our paren...