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© First Baptist Church of Milford.

Australia and the Islands of Oceania

Bearing Precious Seed El Paso

If Christ loved them enough to die for them, we should love them enough to go and share that truth with them.
 |  Kenn Winn  |  Australia/Oceania

In Mark 1:17, Jesus says to His new disciples, “Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” With that statement, Christ shared His desire to train disciples to fulfill His heartbeat of world evangelism. These disciples needed to spend their time in training so that they could effectively achieve all that Christ had called them to. It is with that Scripture in mind that the ministry of Bearing Precious Seed in El Paso, Texas strives to achieve its vision--to train Biblical, mission-minded servants for all levels of ministry. Christ desires that all Christians become fishers of men and we want to be a part of that which is being accomplished.

At BPS El Paso, our passion is to help people gain a greater desire for Christ’s heartbeat which is the reaching of the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not only that, we desire to provide an environment where Christians of all ages will be able to answer the call of God on their lives. Only the Lord knows who should submit to full-time service. However, it is our firm belief that God is calling many people, specifically young people, to full-time ministry. It is our privilege to run weeklong missions trips throughout the year which can be used to soften the hearts of those God is working on. In addition to these trips, we also provide opportunities to train through summer work. With this summer program, young people come to work with the ministry to gain valuable experience in ministry and see the Lord work in ways that they may not otherwise see. The ministry of BPS El Paso desires to see hearts softened so the Holy Spirit can move not only in the lives of those who are hearing the Gospel but also in those who are serving the Lord on the trip.

One of the highlights of the ministry in El Paso is the opportunity every April to host a unique event known as the Juarez Project. The purpose of this event is to saturate the city of Juarez, Mexico with as many John and Romans as we can get out. We partner with local national pastors and the churches they lead to bring as many church members out as they can get to help us. In the past, we have handed out as many as 250,000 John and Romans in one week. The Lord has blessed mightily as we have seen churches grow and many salvations come as fruit from this project. Many people in the United States would caution us as we head into Juarez, but our motivation is trust and faith in a sovereign God, not the fear of man. God gave us a clear command to go and tell, and we have seen His mighty hand of blessing and provision as we have stayed faithful to that command. Satan would love for us to be hindered by man’s circumstances, but the lost souls of Mexico are of too much importance for us to quit on them. If Christ loved them enough to die for them, we should love them enough to go and share that truth with them.

Another evangelistic opportunity that the Lord has opened to us is the opportunity to take two weeks each summer and serve with Pastor Don Chitty, Sr. and his family as they minister to the Navajo Indians in northwest New Mexico. Pastor Chitty has been a missionary to the Navajo Indians for 38 years and has seen the Lord do great things through the work there. We participate with them in week-long missions trips and enjoy the privilege of serving on a missions trip inside of our nation’s borders. Whether across the border in Mexico or within our own nation, God has allowed BPS El Paso to be a part of His great work in reaching the lost.