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© First Baptist Church of Milford.

Sep 13, 2021
Stories of Faitfulness
Just how important is it to sow the seed? “Is the seed yet in the barn?” (Haggai 2:19) As we distribute Scriptures during our campaigns, it does not take long to discover that not everyone wants one. Sometimes a person will take a John/Romans, and once they see what it is, they may set it down on a park bench or window sill as they walk. They may even just discard it on the sidewalk or street. The following is a story of one such discarded John/Romans that took place in the country of Lithuania, and how it affected one who found it. We will call her ‘Janina.’

Sep 13, 2021
Stories of Faitfulness
One of the most inspiring stories of faithfulness is a story many have never heard. This account demonstrates true and whole faith in God. It reveals the character of this individual who followed through with what she said she would do. And it displays the compliance to do whatever God called her to do, as well as the calling this person could rely on when times were difficult. All three of these traits are crucial if a Christian wants to see God use their life to do the incredible. This account motivates me and challenges me to be the best I can be for Christ. It encourages me that my life...

Sep 13, 2021
Stories of Faitfulness
Wales is a beautiful country made of green hills, gorgeous coastlines, and a vast landscape rivaling any country in the world. Despite its physical appeal, there is spiritual darkness resting over the land, especially in south Wales, which has resulted in years of governmental reliance, distrust of outsiders, and an overall indifference toward religion as a whole. Sadly, the despondent nature present in our society began long before people gave way to their lustful desires. For nearly one hundred years, religious leaders have misrepresented Biblical doctrine, serving as ‘church’ leaders wit...

Jul 17, 2020
Reaching the Unreached
Imagine opening your Bible and finding the following translation of the best known verse in the Bible: “God loved the world so much that He gave it to His only begotten Son.” Earlier today, as I prepared to write this article, I used Google Translate to translate John 3:16 from English to Mongolian, from Mongolian to Bangla, Bangla to Basque, and Basque back into English. Had everything worked as it was supposed to, we would expect the verse in English to be the same as when we started. The result was far different from what some might think!

Jul 17, 2020
Reaching the Unreached
We know that God’s Word changes individual lives as each Christian who has trusted Christ can attest to that fact. But the Word of God also has such power that it can change an entire people group—once they have it in their language. On January 8, 1956, five men stepped out of this world into eternity from the banks of the Curaray River in Ecuador and world missions have never been quite the same since. Yet the most significant change that took place within that jungle came because God’s precious Word was given in the language of the people there.

Jul 17, 2020
Reaching the Unreached
Bible translation is difficult. Everything about it is hard. It’s expensive. It’s time consuming. It’s a long-haul venture. It provokes intense spiritual warfare. And big picture problems like these don’t even address the day-to-day struggles that Bible translators experience. But when it comes to the big picture of Bible translation, I have observed two recurring problems in our local churches.

Jul 17, 2020
Reaching the Unreached
1.5 billion people 20% of the world's population has zero access to Scripture in their first-language. Languages lacking both a New and Old Testament Americas 686 languages, 9.3 million first- language speakers Africa 1,518 languages, 155 million first- language speakers Europe 192 languages, 35.7 million first- language speakers Asia 1,789 languages, 472 million first- language speakers Pacific 959 languages, 1.3 million first- language speakers

Jul 17, 2020
Reaching the Unreached
Since 2007 we have printed... 1.6 Million Whole Bibles 4 Million New Testaments 125.5 Million John & Romans That is equal to...

Sep 15, 2019
Africa '19
The gospel is universal in its message and application, yet the best presentation of gospel truth depends on what is already understood and misunderstood by the people you are trying to reach. Successful evangelism and church planting on the African continent requires a good understanding of the mentality of the African people. This understanding requires an adequate knowledge and comprehension of animism.