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Africa Archive

Aug 30, 2011
Modern Africa
The sounds of the Liberian jungle penetrated our attempts to sleep in spite of our exhaustion. Night animals calling to each other brought imaginations of what kinds of critters might be lurking on the other side of the block walls now protecting us in the missionary’s house. The distant wail of a woman’s voice carried over the other jungle sounds throughout the night. The mournful, repetitious chanting seemed to pronounce an urgent warning of some kind. These wailing sounds were coming from the prophetess in the nearby village called Mission Town, one of three nearby villages inhabited by ...

Aug 30, 2011
Modern Africa
From the beginning of time, man has chosen to exalt himself, desiring to be like “gods, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5) The same reason that our world is in the shape it is in presently, also plagued the day of Noah. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5) Man continues to struggle with imagining things that were never intended by God to enter man’s hearts and minds; Man choosing self over his Creator! Reformers Unanimous strives to equip individuals to cast down every wicked imagination, lear...

Aug 30, 2011
Modern Africa
As we think about the teaching of the Great Commission, a question that I often ask myself is this—why aren’t more young people surrendering to the call of full time ministry in their lives? I firmly believe that God is still in the business of calling young people to full time ministry and desires more than ever for the task to be accomplished; but where are the willing hearts of the young people who once surrendered to whatever was asked of them? Where are the numbers of young people who will give what they have to accomplish what God wants?

Aug 30, 2011
Modern Africa
Kenya is a beautiful country situated on the eastern side of Africa. It is surrounded by Ethiopia, southern Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, and Tanzania. It is known for sites like Mount Kenya (second highest in Africa), the Great Rift Valley, Lake Victoria, and is also known for its numerous wildlife reserves. It has been my privilege to take two mission trips to Kenya. If I had to describe the country in one word, I believe that word would be contrast. Kenya has so many drastic contrasts. For example, there are so many beautiful variations of fl owers and trees, but they grow out of the brown, di...

Aug 30, 2011
Modern Africa
Can you give us some background information on you and your family, and how God led you to the place where you serve today? My name is Dave Barnhouse. I am 42 years old and my wife, Maggie, is 39 years old. We have five children: Jonathan, 18 yrs; Nathanael, 16 yrs; Emily, 12 yrs; Steven 2 yrs; and David, 11 months. For the past 10 years I have been pastoring Slippery Rock Baptist Church in Slippery Rock, PA. God has blessed and allowed us to be a part of many amazing things. Shortly after I became pastor, we began taking missions’ trips. We’ve gone from the Arctic Circle, to Haiti, to the...

Aug 30, 2011
Modern Africa
The Lord has answered so many prayers for me; I cannot thank and praise Him enough. He has answered, many times, before I had prayed because He has promised to supply every need of His children. He knows everything, and he never sleeps. I have always tithed, even before my late fi rst husband was saved. I tithed on what he gave me to run the house. Somehow, my husband knew, and after he was saved, he asked if we could put our money in together.