Supply My Every Need

The Lord has answered so many prayers for me; I cannot thank and praise Him enough. He has answered, many times, before I had prayed because He has promised to supply every need of His children. He knows everything, and he never sleeps.
I have always tithed, even before my late fi rst husband was saved. I tithed on what he gave me to run the house. Somehow, my husband knew, and after he was saved, he asked if we could put our money in together.
Before Jonathan Lee came into my life, I asked God for a husband who would tithe and give to church (in addition to other beautiful traits). The Lord gave that husband to me, and our marriage was a bit of heaven. Many years ago, I was returning from a Mary Kay seminar in Dallas. On the plane, God spoke to my heart, “Give me 20% of your sales rather than the 10% you give now.” I did, and God blessed me greatly.
When Pastor Duttry talked about a “First Fruits offering” the Lord told me to give one and a half weeks of income from my pension. It was as though He said “You get to do this!” It was settled right there where I sat.
I have wonderful peace and joy in knowing that God is pleased and will supply my every need.