A Discussion with Dale & Vickie Money
Since there are some people reading this article who will not be familiar with you and your ministry, could you give us some background information about you and your family?
Vickie and I met in the sixth grade at Milford Christian Academy (MCA) after Vickie’s family moved to Ohio to join First Baptist Church and enter the Bearing Precious Seed (BPS) ministry. One year after graduation from MCA, we were married and moved to Aiken, SC, where Vickie was originally from. After several years of God working in our hearts, we moved back to Ohio to serve in BPS. For the last 15 years, we have traveled this country and many others to raise funds and promote the need of God’s Word to be translated in the language of the people.
How did the Lord lead you to the ministry of firstBible?
I decided a long time ago that if the Lord opened a door of opportunity I would take advantage of that door and walk through. My journey to firstBible International is a long series of opportunities over many years of my Christian life. Whether it was helping with VBS, teaching a class, preaching in a juvenile prison, going on a mission trip, or giving towards a need, I have tried to take advantage of opportunities. About three years ago, Dr. Keen asked me to go to Nepal with him and his team for the dedication of the Nepalese Bible. He asked me to go as a camera man to catalog the events of the trip. It was during this trip that Dr. Keen asked me to pray about taking the director position of firstBible International.
After about a year we decided to accept that position. Taking the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Nepal not only changed my focus in ministry but also gave me a new desire to reach the Unreached.
What is the most influential religion in the areas where firstBible works? And, how do they view “Christians” (in the broadest sense of the word)?
The focus of firstBible International is in the area commonly called the 10/40 Window. This invisible window shaped box is based on two coordinates, 10 degrees and 40 degrees latitude north of the equator. This region includes 67 countries that are classified as the most unevangelized and Bibleless people of the world. Our most recent influence has been in Nepal, Armenia, and Northeast India. About 2/3 of the 10/40 window countries would view Christians as either Catholics or cults. The other 1/3 would probably have no concept of who a Christian is because they have never met one.
What advice would you give to a missionary praying about going to an Unreached People Group or country in the 10/40 Window?
The Spiritual warfare in this area is intensified by the religious and political strongholds of the devil. The need for missionaries and Bible translators is great throughout the 10/40 Window. Anyone having a desire to serve as a missionary in this region should be focused on three main areas:
- Make sure of your calling
- Acquire adequate training
- Be patient
What have you learned about yourself since beginning your ministry with firstBible?
Recently I spent eighteen days in Armenia. Over the course of our trip I led our group to an unstable section of Armenia near the borders of Azerbaijan. As I walked down the steps towards our van the realization of where we were heading made me hesitate and rethink about the safety of our team. Doubt flooded my mind with concern about what could happen. By faith we all loaded up in the van and off we went. I am so glad we did! The Lord taught me at that moment that I have a long way to go when it comes to faith.
How do you stay up-to-date on the ever-changing events in the areas you travel in with firstBible? Are there specific periodicals or websites you could recommend to keep us better informed?
Biblical School of World Evangelism has a good library of magazines, periodicals, and books that could help anyone learn more about the ever changing needs of the 10/40 window.
What is your current ministry focus as you travel and speak at churches?
There are several areas of focus that I speak about as I present firstBible in churches. These areas include the following: the need for translators/translation teams, the need for missionaries, the funds for Bible printing, and the many opportunities Christians have to assist in reaching the world.
As partners with the missionaries we support, tell us how we could actively engage in their ministry and be a genuine encouragement to them.
- Intercessory prayer would probably be at the top of the list for any missionary. The spiritual battle that we face, especially working in the satanic strongholds of the 10/40 Window is sometimes overwhelming.
- Genuine interest in our ministry. We need help! The more you know about firstBible the more you will understand how to get involved.
Vickie, how can your church encourage missionary ladies?
Missionary wives have the same basic needs as other women. They long for stability; emotionally, physically, geographically, and financially. Knowing that others are praying for her and her family and their needs is very important. A simple card or a random act of kindness go a very long way when it comes to encouragement. Women love time with other women whether it is a trip to the mall or just talks over lunch. I am thankful for churches that have encouraged us along the way.
What are the greatest prayer needs you both have, keeping in mind that this article will not be read until a few months from now?
Our Family – Please continue to pray for our family. Like many families, we have had a few bumps in the road. I’m not asking for a smooth road but that God would help us stay on the course.
Our Finances – Although we have been in full time ministry for fifteen years, support tends to fluctuate. We are praying that God would give us support so we can concentrate on what He has called us to do.
Our Faith – Please pray that God would continue to use us as we make strides into the 10/40 Window. We ask that God would give us the faith to trust Him in any situation.